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Tres versiones de Petrarca: Modelos poéticos y modelos editoriales en el Siglo de Oro españolThree Versions of Petrarch: Poetic and Editorial Models in Spanish Golden Age

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Abstract This article offers, from the perspective of material bibliography, a comparative analysis of Spanish translations from Petrarca's Canzoniere by Usque Hebreo (1567), Enrique Garcés (1591) and Trenado de Ayllón (1595). From their study it can be concluded that particularities of every single Canzoniere version are related to the existence of different editorial models having codified functions and senses in sixteenth-century Spanish poetry books.
The Pennsylvania State University Press
Title: Tres versiones de Petrarca: Modelos poéticos y modelos editoriales en el Siglo de Oro españolThree Versions of Petrarch: Poetic and Editorial Models in Spanish Golden Age
Abstract This article offers, from the perspective of material bibliography, a comparative analysis of Spanish translations from Petrarca's Canzoniere by Usque Hebreo (1567), Enrique Garcés (1591) and Trenado de Ayllón (1595).
From their study it can be concluded that particularities of every single Canzoniere version are related to the existence of different editorial models having codified functions and senses in sixteenth-century Spanish poetry books.

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