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Salmos apócrifos de la Relación de las antigüedades deste reino del Pirú de Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti:Apocryphal Psalms in the Relación de las antigüedades deste reino del Pirú by Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti

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Abstract This article analyzes the role of the famous “Hymn of Creation” inserted by Joan Santa Cruz Pachacuti in his version of the history of the Incas. The comparative analysis of the prayer in three different chronicles allows readers to observe the historical and political proposal of Santa Cruz Pachacuti about the Andean past, where Manco Cápac is depicted as a wise king and poet. The chronicler attributes the prayer’s authorship to Manco Cápac, a fact that would reinforce the inca king’s monotheistic devotion, which stands very close to Christianity.
The Pennsylvania State University Press
Title: Salmos apócrifos de la Relación de las antigüedades deste reino del Pirú de Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti:Apocryphal Psalms in the Relación de las antigüedades deste reino del Pirú by Joan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti
Abstract This article analyzes the role of the famous “Hymn of Creation” inserted by Joan Santa Cruz Pachacuti in his version of the history of the Incas.
The comparative analysis of the prayer in three different chronicles allows readers to observe the historical and political proposal of Santa Cruz Pachacuti about the Andean past, where Manco Cápac is depicted as a wise king and poet.
The chronicler attributes the prayer’s authorship to Manco Cápac, a fact that would reinforce the inca king’s monotheistic devotion, which stands very close to Christianity.

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