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Computer art in Italia negli anni Ottanta Tecnologia, matematica e immaginario scientifico

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In the 1980s, the spread of personal computers gave impetus to the birth of a varied computer-based art scene. While traditional techniques prevail in the art system, computer art represents an experimental field in which the image is the product of mathematical formulas and algorithms. Artists, critics and art historians have described it as a new type of art, the latest encounter between humanistic and scientific culture. Moreover, since the computer is a scientific research machine – from astronomy to geometry, from medicine to physics – digital images stand between artistic invention and scientific evidence.
Edizioni Ca Foscari
Title: Computer art in Italia negli anni Ottanta Tecnologia, matematica e immaginario scientifico
In the 1980s, the spread of personal computers gave impetus to the birth of a varied computer-based art scene.
While traditional techniques prevail in the art system, computer art represents an experimental field in which the image is the product of mathematical formulas and algorithms.
Artists, critics and art historians have described it as a new type of art, the latest encounter between humanistic and scientific culture.
Moreover, since the computer is a scientific research machine – from astronomy to geometry, from medicine to physics – digital images stand between artistic invention and scientific evidence.

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