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King Henry VIII: Performer, Connoisseur and Composer of Music

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King Henry VIII's court provided a musically rich and diverse environment, in which the King was apparently an active participant, although care is needed in interpreting evidence for this. He played instruments, sang and composed music, promoted its performance and learning, and employed numerous English and foreign musicians as well as maintaining an accomplished Chapel Royal. Evidence from the Inventory of 1547 points to him having possessed various musical instruments and books possibly containing music. Many of the latter were for Chapel Royal use. Henry VIII's compositions raise questions about originality, technique and means of performance. Editorial treatment of his music has been influenced by the perceptions and expectations of later commentators and musicians.
Title: King Henry VIII: Performer, Connoisseur and Composer of Music
King Henry VIII's court provided a musically rich and diverse environment, in which the King was apparently an active participant, although care is needed in interpreting evidence for this.
He played instruments, sang and composed music, promoted its performance and learning, and employed numerous English and foreign musicians as well as maintaining an accomplished Chapel Royal.
Evidence from the Inventory of 1547 points to him having possessed various musical instruments and books possibly containing music.
Many of the latter were for Chapel Royal use.
Henry VIII's compositions raise questions about originality, technique and means of performance.
Editorial treatment of his music has been influenced by the perceptions and expectations of later commentators and musicians.

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