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Le Succès d’Harpocrate à Nea Paphos

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Even though we find only a few traces of the Egyptian god Harpocrates on epigraphic inscriptions, his cult was widespread in Ancient Near East during the Graeco-Roman period. The discovery of figurines (terracotta, glass, bronze, silver, and sometimes gold) and other artefacts depicting the young god (for instance on lamps) is a good sign of his popularity at all stratas of society. In Cyprus, such representations of Harpocrates are scarce (Amathontes, Salamine), except for Nea Paphos.The recent publication of an amulet discovered in Nea Paphos gives the opportunity to discuss its interpretation and to come back on the presence of the young god on the island.
Title: Le Succès d’Harpocrate à Nea Paphos
Even though we find only a few traces of the Egyptian god Harpocrates on epigraphic inscriptions, his cult was widespread in Ancient Near East during the Graeco-Roman period.
The discovery of figurines (terracotta, glass, bronze, silver, and sometimes gold) and other artefacts depicting the young god (for instance on lamps) is a good sign of his popularity at all stratas of society.
In Cyprus, such representations of Harpocrates are scarce (Amathontes, Salamine), except for Nea Paphos.
The recent publication of an amulet discovered in Nea Paphos gives the opportunity to discuss its interpretation and to come back on the presence of the young god on the island.

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