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Jane Seymour
View through Harvard Museums
Department of Prints
W. Ackermann.
Francis Calley Gray bequest to nephew 1856.
William Gray gift to Harvard University 1857.
Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum Gift of William Gray from the collection of Francis Calley Gray
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Persian siglos
Persian siglos
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Solidus of Constantine IV, Constantinople
Solidus of Constantine IV, Constantinople
Obv.: Bust of Constantine IV, three quarter facing, wearing cuirass and helmet with plume and diadem whose ties show to l.; in r. hand, spear held behind head; on l. shoulder shiel...
Solidus of Constantius II, Constantinople
Solidus of Constantius II, Constantinople
Obv.: Bust of Constantius II, draped and cuirassed to r., wearing a rosette diadem.
Rev.: FELICITAS REI PVBLICE around the border and within wreath; VOT XV MVLT XX...
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Solidus of Theodosius II, Constantinople
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Histamenon of Romanus III, Constantinople
Histamenon of Romanus III, Constantinople
Obv.: Christ seated on square-backed throne (Type IIa) facing, bearded, with cross nimbus, wearing tunic and himation; r. hand raised in blessing in cloak; l. hand holds book by up...