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Histamenon of Romanus III, Constantinople

View through Harvard Museums
Obv.: Christ seated on square-backed throne (Type IIa) facing, bearded, with cross nimbus, wearing tunic and himation; r. hand raised in blessing in cloak; l. hand holds book by upper edge on knee. Rev.: To l. emperor Romanos standing facing, wearing modified loros with four pellets at the end, and crown with cross and pendilia, holding right hand to breast and globe cruciger in l. To r. Virgin , standing facing, nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, crowning emperor with r. and holding l. hand on breast. Between heads M and Theta
Department of Ancient and Byzantine Art & Numismatics Jane Ayer Scott Newton MA (by 2008) by inheritance; to her husband Wellington F. Scott III (2008-2010) gift; to The Harvard Art Museums 2010. There is no further information available about where Jane Scott purchased the coin. Byzantine coins even gold solidi were struck by the millions and circulated widely in the Byzantine Empire from Spain Italy to Greece Bulgaria the Balkans Israel Turkey and Syria. Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum Gift of Wellington F. Scott III in memory of Jane Ayer Scott
Title: Histamenon of Romanus III, Constantinople
: Christ seated on square-backed throne (Type IIa) facing, bearded, with cross nimbus, wearing tunic and himation; r.
hand raised in blessing in cloak; l.
hand holds book by upper edge on knee.
: To l.
emperor Romanos standing facing, wearing modified loros with four pellets at the end, and crown with cross and pendilia, holding right hand to breast and globe cruciger in l.
To r.
Virgin , standing facing, nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, crowning emperor with r.
and holding l.
hand on breast.
Between heads M and Theta.

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