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The Bad Guys Are Everywhere; the Good Guys Are Somewhere

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Since modern-day English public policing in the nineteenth century, crime prevention and deterrence were seen as compatible to the liberal and democratic values of society: pre-emption through surreptitious surveillance was derided by those wistful of potential tyrannical rule.  Following World War II, English-speaking intelligence agencies had a simple mandate: to pre-empt another Pearl Harbor. Nevertheless, the growth and integration of national security with public police intelligence followed, in an ever increasingly securitized society, particularly following 9/11.  The totality of intervention capabilities from an integrated international intelligence community fused with intelligence-led policing and big-data technology companies has created total information awareness, whereby everyone is assumed to pose risks. This chapter will glimpse into the endarkened world of national security and pre-crime.  From what is currently apparent, it is concluded that security assemblages, rather than fending-off potential attacks (or even major crimes), fundamentally aim for greater global population control.
Title: The Bad Guys Are Everywhere; the Good Guys Are Somewhere
Since modern-day English public policing in the nineteenth century, crime prevention and deterrence were seen as compatible to the liberal and democratic values of society: pre-emption through surreptitious surveillance was derided by those wistful of potential tyrannical rule.
  Following World War II, English-speaking intelligence agencies had a simple mandate: to pre-empt another Pearl Harbor.
Nevertheless, the growth and integration of national security with public police intelligence followed, in an ever increasingly securitized society, particularly following 9/11.
  The totality of intervention capabilities from an integrated international intelligence community fused with intelligence-led policing and big-data technology companies has created total information awareness, whereby everyone is assumed to pose risks.
This chapter will glimpse into the endarkened world of national security and pre-crime.
  From what is currently apparent, it is concluded that security assemblages, rather than fending-off potential attacks (or even major crimes), fundamentally aim for greater global population control.

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