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Česká religiozita: církevní příslušnost a víra ve světle Sčítání lidu a dat ISSP 2008
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The article focuses on the description of the Czech religiosity. It shows that Czech society is not as secularized as it is often argued. First part of the article analyzes the traditional measures of religiosity: church affiliation and church attendance. Using data from the Census and ISSP 2008, we show that the level of church attendance is relatively stable in the Czech society but the self-declared church affiliation is decreasing. However, the decrease affects mainly large churches with mass membership while smaller denominations enjoy dynamic growth. The second part of the article focuses on the religious beliefs in the ISSP 2008 survey. We show that the majority of the respondents did not believe in God but the belief in magic is very common in the Czech society. International comparison illustrates that the magic is typical for East European countries.
Title: Česká religiozita: církevní příslušnost a víra ve světle Sčítání lidu a dat ISSP 2008
The article focuses on the description of the Czech religiosity.
It shows that Czech society is not as secularized as it is often argued.
First part of the article analyzes the traditional measures of religiosity: church affiliation and church attendance.
Using data from the Census and ISSP 2008, we show that the level of church attendance is relatively stable in the Czech society but the self-declared church affiliation is decreasing.
However, the decrease affects mainly large churches with mass membership while smaller denominations enjoy dynamic growth.
The second part of the article focuses on the religious beliefs in the ISSP 2008 survey.
We show that the majority of the respondents did not believe in God but the belief in magic is very common in the Czech society.
International comparison illustrates that the magic is typical for East European countries.
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