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Mona Lisa: kunst door het oog van een klinisch bioloog

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The Mona Lisa in a medical perspective In this article, the Mona Lisa, one of the world’s most famous and iconic paintings, is investigated by the eyes of a clinical pathologist. The conclusion cannot be proven empirically, but it puts the masterpiece in a medical spotlight and so it reports a case of ‘hineininterpretierung’ of an enigmatic smile. Meanwhile, the different aspects of postpartum thyroiditis are discussed.
Title: Mona Lisa: kunst door het oog van een klinisch bioloog
The Mona Lisa in a medical perspective In this article, the Mona Lisa, one of the world’s most famous and iconic paintings, is investigated by the eyes of a clinical pathologist.
The conclusion cannot be proven empirically, but it puts the masterpiece in a medical spotlight and so it reports a case of ‘hineininterpretierung’ of an enigmatic smile.
Meanwhile, the different aspects of postpartum thyroiditis are discussed.

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