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The Meaning and Use of "Europe" in Swedish History Textbooks, 1910-2008
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This article explores the different meanings of “Europe” in Swedish history textbooks over the course of the 20th century. Utilising the concept of myth, this textbook analysis looks at how the older history of Europe, and Sweden in relation to Europe, had changed by the end of the century. In particular, it examines the way in which Europe as a historically coherent entity is becoming attached to the idea of European economic, cultural and political co-operation in the wake of the Second World War. By using both quantitative and qualitative methods the study reveals that Europe as a concept has altered its meaning over time. Further, the study shows that the amount of text on Europe as an entity altogether increased in Swedish history textbooks in the latter part of the 20th century.
Title: The Meaning and Use of "Europe" in Swedish History Textbooks, 1910-2008
This article explores the different meanings of “Europe” in Swedish history textbooks over the course of the 20th century.
Utilising the concept of myth, this textbook analysis looks at how the older history of Europe, and Sweden in relation to Europe, had changed by the end of the century.
In particular, it examines the way in which Europe as a historically coherent entity is becoming attached to the idea of European economic, cultural and political co-operation in the wake of the Second World War.
By using both quantitative and qualitative methods the study reveals that Europe as a concept has altered its meaning over time.
Further, the study shows that the amount of text on Europe as an entity altogether increased in Swedish history textbooks in the latter part of the 20th century.
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