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Podstawowe problemy teorii świadomości językowej.
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The modern linguistics is gaining a more and more anthropocentric
markedness. This contributes, among others, to increased interest in
language awareness. This paper is intended to provide both an overview and
a systematisation. The threads it touches upon concern three issues. The
author defi nes the very notion of language awareness, outlines the operating
mechanisms of the mental base of speech, and identifi es the subjects to whom
language awareness may be attributed.
Language awareness needs to be considered a separate mental structure
being a fragment of the general human awareness. The structure has a dual
nature. Some of its reserves are innate components, others are contents
and dispositions obtained in the course of individual development. Both are
responsible for language acquisition, coordinate language activities, and
substantiate various judgments regarding speech as a portion of the collective
life, i.e. a product of culture and a culture-building measure. The contents
composing the broadly defi ned individual language awareness at the same time
create the cognitive sphere, the pragmatic sphere, and the affective sphere.
Obviously, specifi c language decisions are infl uenced by collective linguistic
views. The speaker always gives in to supraindividual rules, which are an
outcome of the states of collective consciousness.
Title: Podstawowe problemy teorii świadomości językowej.
The modern linguistics is gaining a more and more anthropocentric
This contributes, among others, to increased interest in
language awareness.
This paper is intended to provide both an overview and
a systematisation.
The threads it touches upon concern three issues.
author defi nes the very notion of language awareness, outlines the operating
mechanisms of the mental base of speech, and identifi es the subjects to whom
language awareness may be attributed.
Language awareness needs to be considered a separate mental structure
being a fragment of the general human awareness.
The structure has a dual
Some of its reserves are innate components, others are contents
and dispositions obtained in the course of individual development.
Both are
responsible for language acquisition, coordinate language activities, and
substantiate various judgments regarding speech as a portion of the collective
life, i.
a product of culture and a culture-building measure.
The contents
composing the broadly defi ned individual language awareness at the same time
create the cognitive sphere, the pragmatic sphere, and the affective sphere.
Obviously, specifi c language decisions are infl uenced by collective linguistic
The speaker always gives in to supraindividual rules, which are an
outcome of the states of collective consciousness.
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