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Transmettre la terre. Origines et inflexions récentes d'une problématique de la différence
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Handing down the land : Origins and recent shifts in the problem of the Other, Bernard Derouet
The problem of the Other is at the heart of the study of family reproduction. But the questions it raises have been thoroughly overhauled within this framework. There is an increasing awareness that, alongside the old questioning of spatial diversity, which must be reformulated along new lines, other dimensions of otherness exist, particularly with regard to the insertion of pratices within history. Thus one is compelled to picture the handing over and the transfers which go with it in the light of their articulation with a set of social practices within which these transfers are only one element in a more complex mechanism. A new approach, shunning the institutional construction of family systems as well as the atomized view of individual strategies, and centered on the necessity to take into account the multiple levels of otherness, would develop first and foremost the concept of "alternative solution".
Title: Transmettre la terre. Origines et inflexions récentes d'une problématique de la différence
Handing down the land : Origins and recent shifts in the problem of the Other, Bernard Derouet
The problem of the Other is at the heart of the study of family reproduction.
But the questions it raises have been thoroughly overhauled within this framework.
There is an increasing awareness that, alongside the old questioning of spatial diversity, which must be reformulated along new lines, other dimensions of otherness exist, particularly with regard to the insertion of pratices within history.
Thus one is compelled to picture the handing over and the transfers which go with it in the light of their articulation with a set of social practices within which these transfers are only one element in a more complex mechanism.
A new approach, shunning the institutional construction of family systems as well as the atomized view of individual strategies, and centered on the necessity to take into account the multiple levels of otherness, would develop first and foremost the concept of "alternative solution".
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