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Il Thesaurus Linguae Latinae e il lessico filologico antico Primi spunti dalle subscriptiones dei codici

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When a scholar writes a Latin preface for his Teubner edition, he uses a specific, philological lexicon, dating from the humanistic age. But how did this lexicon grow, what are its main sources? And, above all, to what extent does the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae help us to reconstruct the history of its emergence and evolution? My paper arises from a reflection on these and other relevant questions: a marginal research on ancient and late antique Latin philological lexicon.
Title: Il Thesaurus Linguae Latinae e il lessico filologico antico Primi spunti dalle subscriptiones dei codici
When a scholar writes a Latin preface for his Teubner edition, he uses a specific, philological lexicon, dating from the humanistic age.
But how did this lexicon grow, what are its main sources? And, above all, to what extent does the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae help us to reconstruct the history of its emergence and evolution? My paper arises from a reflection on these and other relevant questions: a marginal research on ancient and late antique Latin philological lexicon.

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