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An Internalization of Doctrine to Strengthen Christian Identity: Considering a Mosaic Approach
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The aim of this research was to highlight the importance of internalizing Christian religious doctrine in strengthening Christian identity, due to the declining faith among Indonesian Christian youth, which was reflected in the increasing number of members exiting from the church. Therefore, this research attempted to strengthen the identity of Indonesian Christian youth by developing what is termed the Moses internalization model. Social research methods and hermeneutics were used in order to achieve appropriate results. The results could be used to develop the Moses internalization model in order to teach Christian religious doctrine to young Indonesians in churches and schools, thereby strengthening their level of identity. The paper demonstrates the centrality of the example posed by Moses which serves as an internalization process, which has four stages. The first is doctrinal information, the second stage comprises doctrinal application exercises or training, the third is identity formation, and the fourth stage is the crystallization and strengthening of identity. Moses informed the Israelites through doctrines that God is One and God is God. The people were to fear the Lord and keep all the given statutes and commandments. They were taught to love the Lord God with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-5). The model or framework of Moses for a Christian’s identity can be applied to pastoral ministry. This model is thus is offered as a support for pastors in the important aspect of forging and
internalizing strong Christian identities in their adherents.
Title: An Internalization of Doctrine to Strengthen Christian Identity: Considering a Mosaic Approach
The aim of this research was to highlight the importance of internalizing Christian religious doctrine in strengthening Christian identity, due to the declining faith among Indonesian Christian youth, which was reflected in the increasing number of members exiting from the church.
Therefore, this research attempted to strengthen the identity of Indonesian Christian youth by developing what is termed the Moses internalization model.
Social research methods and hermeneutics were used in order to achieve appropriate results.
The results could be used to develop the Moses internalization model in order to teach Christian religious doctrine to young Indonesians in churches and schools, thereby strengthening their level of identity.
The paper demonstrates the centrality of the example posed by Moses which serves as an internalization process, which has four stages.
The first is doctrinal information, the second stage comprises doctrinal application exercises or training, the third is identity formation, and the fourth stage is the crystallization and strengthening of identity.
Moses informed the Israelites through doctrines that God is One and God is God.
The people were to fear the Lord and keep all the given statutes and commandments.
They were taught to love the Lord God with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).
The model or framework of Moses for a Christian’s identity can be applied to pastoral ministry.
This model is thus is offered as a support for pastors in the important aspect of forging and
internalizing strong Christian identities in their adherents.
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