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Ahmadabad: Mehrab from Mahoumed Ghans mosque (left), Darvish Alis Mosque, buttress on the back (right)
View through Europeana Collections
Illustration of a buttress at the Darvish Ali
mosque near Ahmadabad, in Gujarat. The Darvish Ali mosque, also
referred to as the Khonja Bibi mosque, has an inscription dating
the building to 1504. This small mosque consists of an interior
extending to 37 feet in length and utilizes four key pillars to
support a roof consisting of six domes in two rows. The richly
decorated minarets, niches, mihrab, and windows are key features of
this mosque and show similarities in style with the Rani Sipri
mosque also in Ahmadabad. On the back of the mosque, ?are
buttresses?richly moulded in keeping with the details of the
minarets and mihrabs.?
Title: Ahmadabad: Mehrab from Mahoumed Ghans mosque (left), Darvish
Alis Mosque, buttress on the back (right)
Illustration of a buttress at the Darvish Ali
mosque near Ahmadabad, in Gujarat.
The Darvish Ali mosque, also
referred to as the Khonja Bibi mosque, has an inscription dating
the building to 1504.
This small mosque consists of an interior
extending to 37 feet in length and utilizes four key pillars to
support a roof consisting of six domes in two rows.
The richly
decorated minarets, niches, mihrab, and windows are key features of
this mosque and show similarities in style with the Rani Sipri
mosque also in Ahmadabad.
On the back of the mosque, ?are
buttresses?richly moulded in keeping with the details of the
minarets and mihrabs.
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