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The carmen heroicum in Early Modernity (Das carmen heroicum in der frühen Neuzeit)
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The special issue at hand provides a contribution to the historical exploration of early modern carmina heroica (epic poems) in the German area of the early modern period, especially of the ‘long’ 17th century. To this purpose, perspectives of Latin and German Studies, of researchers with expertise in medieval and modern literary history, are brought together. This introductory article puts the following theses up for discussion: 1) The view that epic poems of the early modern period are a genre with little relevance for the history of literature is wrong and has to be corrected. 2) Accordingly, the view has to be corrected that the history of narrative in the modern era leads teleologically to the modern novel. 3) For the exploration of the history of carmina heroica, the traditions of didactic poems and heroic poems have to be taken into consideration together. 4) Epic poems of the ‘long’ 17th century have a particular tendency to generic hybridization. 5) The genre history of carmina heroica can be reconstructed appropriately only by taking into account the vernacular as well as the Latin tradition.
Title: The carmen heroicum in Early Modernity (Das carmen heroicum in der frühen Neuzeit)
The special issue at hand provides a contribution to the historical exploration of early modern carmina heroica (epic poems) in the German area of the early modern period, especially of the ‘long’ 17th century.
To this purpose, perspectives of Latin and German Studies, of researchers with expertise in medieval and modern literary history, are brought together.
This introductory article puts the following theses up for discussion: 1) The view that epic poems of the early modern period are a genre with little relevance for the history of literature is wrong and has to be corrected.
2) Accordingly, the view has to be corrected that the history of narrative in the modern era leads teleologically to the modern novel.
3) For the exploration of the history of carmina heroica, the traditions of didactic poems and heroic poems have to be taken into consideration together.
4) Epic poems of the ‘long’ 17th century have a particular tendency to generic hybridization.
5) The genre history of carmina heroica can be reconstructed appropriately only by taking into account the vernacular as well as the Latin tradition.
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