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Caribbean Freedom beyond Coloniality
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This essay proffers a response to three critical engagements with the author’s 2019 Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition. The author contextualizes Beyond Coloniality as a book that seeks to effect a challenging alliance between studies of the anglophone Caribbean’s postindependence social and political order and scholarship on Caribbean thought. Ultimately, Beyond Coloniality engages in a quest for freedom beyond neocolonial citizenship.
Title: Caribbean Freedom beyond Coloniality
This essay proffers a response to three critical engagements with the author’s 2019 Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition.
The author contextualizes Beyond Coloniality as a book that seeks to effect a challenging alliance between studies of the anglophone Caribbean’s postindependence social and political order and scholarship on Caribbean thought.
Ultimately, Beyond Coloniality engages in a quest for freedom beyond neocolonial citizenship.
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