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Writing Caribbean Intellectual History
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Arguing that An Intellectual History of the Caribbean is an important text in the emerging field of Caribbean intellectual history, this essay suggests that missing from this important text is the working through of an intellectual history that grapples with black religious practices as modes of thought. It also argues that if Caribbean thought gets knotted up in the trope of Caliban, it will not decolonize itself and begin to wrestle with what Kamau Brathwaite has called the “inner plantation.”
Title: Writing Caribbean Intellectual History
Arguing that An Intellectual History of the Caribbean is an important text in the emerging field of Caribbean intellectual history, this essay suggests that missing from this important text is the working through of an intellectual history that grapples with black religious practices as modes of thought.
It also argues that if Caribbean thought gets knotted up in the trope of Caliban, it will not decolonize itself and begin to wrestle with what Kamau Brathwaite has called the “inner plantation.
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