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HARRIS'S PLAN of LONDON, WESTMINSTER and the BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK, with all the additional Streets, Squares andc; also the improved ROADS to the Year 1791.
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This is the sixth edition of an original 1779
map. Differences between this edition and the previous one suggest
that the plate was re-engraved, at least in part, as new and
proposed buildings have been added. Most strikingly, 20 proposed
locations for fire stations are depicted, along with their
catchment areas. The Metropolitan Fire Brigade was not formed until
1865. A number of different company brigades had co-operated with
each other as the London Fire Engine Establishment since 1833. The
failure of this service to stop the destruction of the Houses of
Parliament in 1837 led to criticism, increasing when a fire in
Tooley Street raged for two days.
SOUTHWARK, with all the additional Streets, Squares andc; also the
improved ROADS to the Year 1791.
This is the sixth edition of an original 1779
Differences between this edition and the previous one suggest
that the plate was re-engraved, at least in part, as new and
proposed buildings have been added.
Most strikingly, 20 proposed
locations for fire stations are depicted, along with their
catchment areas.
The Metropolitan Fire Brigade was not formed until
A number of different company brigades had co-operated with
each other as the London Fire Engine Establishment since 1833.
failure of this service to stop the destruction of the Houses of
Parliament in 1837 led to criticism, increasing when a fire in
Tooley Street raged for two days.
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