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Seigneurial Obligations and ‘Lex Baiuvariorum’ I,13

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The development of the pre-Carolingian seigneurie has received little attention, although this neglect is due in large part to a scarcity in source material. This lack may be supplemented by relying on other material, such as that supplied in the Lex Baiuvariorum. The latter, the Bavarian code, was promulgated within the first half of the eighth century and slightly before the appearance of the Carolingian estate organization. The development of manorial obligations in eighth-century Bavaria is illustrated by one major law in the Lex Baiuvariorum, and this law is I, 13. However, the study of the seigneurie in Bavaria is complicated by differing interpretations of the evidence. What follows is an attempt to re-evaluate the evidence as supplied in L. Baiu. I, 13 and to show its relationship with the Carolingian estate organization.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: Seigneurial Obligations and ‘Lex Baiuvariorum’ I,13
The development of the pre-Carolingian seigneurie has received little attention, although this neglect is due in large part to a scarcity in source material.
This lack may be supplemented by relying on other material, such as that supplied in the Lex Baiuvariorum.
The latter, the Bavarian code, was promulgated within the first half of the eighth century and slightly before the appearance of the Carolingian estate organization.
The development of manorial obligations in eighth-century Bavaria is illustrated by one major law in the Lex Baiuvariorum, and this law is I, 13.
However, the study of the seigneurie in Bavaria is complicated by differing interpretations of the evidence.
What follows is an attempt to re-evaluate the evidence as supplied in L.
I, 13 and to show its relationship with the Carolingian estate organization.

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