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Egon Wellesz: An Opera Composer in 1920s Vienna
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The music of Egon Wellesz, largely forgotten since his death in 1974, is slowly being rediscovered. The last three years have seen the premiere of his Third Symphony in Vienna (reviewed in Tempo 213), a concert devoted to his chamber music at the Wigmore Hall, and several new recordings, among them a forthcoming release from Orfeo which will mark the first appearance on CD of any of his stage works, the 1931 opera Die Bakchantinnen.
Title: Egon Wellesz: An Opera Composer in 1920s Vienna
The music of Egon Wellesz, largely forgotten since his death in 1974, is slowly being rediscovered.
The last three years have seen the premiere of his Third Symphony in Vienna (reviewed in Tempo 213), a concert devoted to his chamber music at the Wigmore Hall, and several new recordings, among them a forthcoming release from Orfeo which will mark the first appearance on CD of any of his stage works, the 1931 opera Die Bakchantinnen.
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