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Wisdom Lessons Based on the “Cytokine-Storm” Metaphor
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The basic process of covid-19, and especially the kernel of its deadly impact: the cytokine storm, is discussed. A destructive positive feedback is started by messenger cells that become and act blindly for their impact. They become “de-cognitive” and “de-communicative”. Such process of deterioration of messengers is a relevant metaphor to understand and approach some relevant aspects of wisdom in social systems, in economic systems, in political systems…
Title: Wisdom Lessons Based on the “Cytokine-Storm” Metaphor
The basic process of covid-19, and especially the kernel of its deadly impact: the cytokine storm, is discussed.
A destructive positive feedback is started by messenger cells that become and act blindly for their impact.
They become “de-cognitive” and “de-communicative”.
Such process of deterioration of messengers is a relevant metaphor to understand and approach some relevant aspects of wisdom in social systems, in economic systems, in political systems….
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