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Spenser, Everard Digby, and the Renaissance Art of Swimming

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In Book v of The Faërie Queene Spenser describes a curious combat between Artegall and Pollente. Both contestants precipitate themselves into the river from a booby-trapped bridge, where Pollente, 'who that use well knew / To fight in water, great advantage had' (v.ii.13. 5-6); 'which oddes when as Sir Artegall espide, / He saw no way but close with him in haste' (v.ii.14.1-2). Gripping his opponent's iron collar and choking him is the tactic he elects, with this result.So Artegall at length him forst forsakeHis horses backe, for dread of being drownd,And to his handy swimming him betake.Eftsoones him selfe he from his hold unbownd,And then no ods at all in him he fownd:For Artegall in swimming skilfull was,And durst the depth of any water sownd.So ought each knight, that use of perill has,In swimming be expert, through waters force to pas. (v.ii.16)
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Title: Spenser, Everard Digby, and the Renaissance Art of Swimming
In Book v of The Faërie Queene Spenser describes a curious combat between Artegall and Pollente.
Both contestants precipitate themselves into the river from a booby-trapped bridge, where Pollente, 'who that use well knew / To fight in water, great advantage had' (v.
5-6); 'which oddes when as Sir Artegall espide, / He saw no way but close with him in haste' (v.
Gripping his opponent's iron collar and choking him is the tactic he elects, with this result.
So Artegall at length him forst forsakeHis horses backe, for dread of being drownd,And to his handy swimming him betake.
Eftsoones him selfe he from his hold unbownd,And then no ods at all in him he fownd:For Artegall in swimming skilfull was,And durst the depth of any water sownd.
So ought each knight, that use of perill has,In swimming be expert, through waters force to pas.

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