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Desmond Morris's Two Spheres

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What is the value of artistic practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the working scientist? What is the value of scientific practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the artist? When does art become science and science, art? Can an individual excel at both science and art, or is even a passing familiarity with one sufficient to influence the other significantly? Guest editor Robert Root-Bernstein continues the exploration of such questions in the second installment of the Leonardo special project “ArtScience: The Essential Connection.” Interested authors: please send proposals, queries and/or manuscripts to the Leonardo Editorial Office: < >. Additional information available on the Leonardo web site: < >.
MIT Press - Journals
Title: Desmond Morris's Two Spheres
What is the value of artistic practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the working scientist? What is the value of scientific practices, techniques, inventions, aesthetics and knowledge for the artist? When does art become science and science, art? Can an individual excel at both science and art, or is even a passing familiarity with one sufficient to influence the other significantly? Guest editor Robert Root-Bernstein continues the exploration of such questions in the second installment of the Leonardo special project “ArtScience: The Essential Connection.
” Interested authors: please send proposals, queries and/or manuscripts to the Leonardo Editorial Office: < isast@leonardo.
info >.
Additional information available on the Leonardo web site: < www.
info >.

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