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The Mediterranean and “Mediterranean Studies”: An Editor's Retrospective
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ABSTRACT:This essay focuses on the meaning of “Mediterranean” and “Mediterranean studies,” offers an overview of the author's tenure as editor of the journal Mediterranean Studies (2001–11), and provides reminiscences of the Congresses and educational post tours organized by the Mediterranean Studies Association. A singularly capacious view of what defines the Mediterranean and the complexities of the field of Mediterranean studies emerge from an examination of articles published in the journal and from a cluster of experiences that the Mediterranean Studies Association has bundled into a package, including the international Annual Congresses, the journal, and the educational post tours. The post tours in Rio de Janeiro (2000); in Southwestern France, the sites associated with the Cathars, Andorra, and Aragon (2004); on the Island of Sardinia and the Island of Corsica (2009); and in Epirus, Western Greece, and Albania (2011) are highlighted to underscore scholarly discoveries and insights, opportunities for academic collaboration, and shared experiences.
Title: The Mediterranean and “Mediterranean Studies”: An Editor's Retrospective
ABSTRACT:This essay focuses on the meaning of “Mediterranean” and “Mediterranean studies,” offers an overview of the author's tenure as editor of the journal Mediterranean Studies (2001–11), and provides reminiscences of the Congresses and educational post tours organized by the Mediterranean Studies Association.
A singularly capacious view of what defines the Mediterranean and the complexities of the field of Mediterranean studies emerge from an examination of articles published in the journal and from a cluster of experiences that the Mediterranean Studies Association has bundled into a package, including the international Annual Congresses, the journal, and the educational post tours.
The post tours in Rio de Janeiro (2000); in Southwestern France, the sites associated with the Cathars, Andorra, and Aragon (2004); on the Island of Sardinia and the Island of Corsica (2009); and in Epirus, Western Greece, and Albania (2011) are highlighted to underscore scholarly discoveries and insights, opportunities for academic collaboration, and shared experiences.
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