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Pair of Pellet-Lock Pistols with Case with Accessories
View through The Met
pistols: steel wood (walnut) platinum brass; case: wood (mahogany) textile brass bone paper; powder flask: brass; bullet mold: steel; nipple wrench: wood (mahogany?) brass steel; ramrod: wood (mahogany?) bronze steel; spare nipples: steel; spare firing pins: steel, British London
Rights: Public Domain
Arms and Armor, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York NY, Gift of Charles M. Schott Jr. 1917
Title: Pair of Pellet-Lock Pistols with Case with Accessories
pistols: steel wood (walnut) platinum brass; case: wood (mahogany) textile brass bone paper; powder flask: brass; bullet mold: steel; nipple wrench: wood (mahogany?) brass steel; ramrod: wood (mahogany?) bronze steel; spare nipples: steel; spare firing pins: steel, British London.
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