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Mark Grotjahn: New Capri, Capri, Free Capri
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Saint Mark the Evangelist
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
Saint Matthew the Evangelist
Saint Matthew the Evangelist
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
Saint John the Evangelist
Saint John the Evangelist
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
The Miracle of the Hosts at the Tomb of Saint John the Evangelist
The Miracle of the Hosts at the Tomb of Saint John the Evangelist
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
Saint Luke the Evangelist
Saint Luke the Evangelist
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
Saint Luke painting the Virgin
Saint Luke painting the Virgin
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
The miracle of Saint Matthew taming the Dragons
The miracle of Saint Matthew taming the Dragons
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
The Martyrdom of Saint Mark
The Martyrdom of Saint Mark
Gabriel Mälesskircher may have trained in the Low Countries, from where he derived his technique and approach to representing reality. Mälesskircher has been identified as the youn...
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Terracotta fragment of a mold for a Megarian bowl
Terracotta fragment of a mold for a Megarian bowl
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Gilles Lipovetsky, Jean Serroy (2010). A Cultura-Mundo. Resposta a uma sociedade desorientada. Lisboa: Edições 70
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