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Policromia e scienze della conservazione: il caso Bauhaus a Dessau
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The first part of the essay reviews considerations made since the end of the Second World War in Germany on the conservation of modern architecture and it identifies the complex issue of the value of the memories that architecture carries in it, even in restoration projects which do not exclude modifications, the introduction of new parts and rebuilding. The objective is to identify the characteristics of critical and conservative restoration which leaves the traces of time and the losses on view, so that a 20th Century monument becomes a document of itself. The procedures followed for the conservative restoration of the Bauhaus buildings at Dessau are therefore carefully reviewed, reporting the progressive clarification of the method, which took final concrete form in the material conservation of the polychromes of the interior views through the application of conservation sciences.
Title: Policromia e scienze della conservazione: il caso Bauhaus a Dessau
The first part of the essay reviews considerations made since the end of the Second World War in Germany on the conservation of modern architecture and it identifies the complex issue of the value of the memories that architecture carries in it, even in restoration projects which do not exclude modifications, the introduction of new parts and rebuilding.
The objective is to identify the characteristics of critical and conservative restoration which leaves the traces of time and the losses on view, so that a 20th Century monument becomes a document of itself.
The procedures followed for the conservative restoration of the Bauhaus buildings at Dessau are therefore carefully reviewed, reporting the progressive clarification of the method, which took final concrete form in the material conservation of the polychromes of the interior views through the application of conservation sciences.
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