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The City Nuzu
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1. NUZI AND THE HURRIAN:S the excavations at Nuzi (Kirkuk, Iraq) and their contribution to our knowledge of the history of the Hurrians. By Robert H. Pfeiffer. (From the Smithsonian Report for 1935, pp. 535–538).2. ONE HUNDREDN EW SELECTE NUZI TEXTST. ransliterated by Robert H. Pfeiffer. With translation and commentary by E.A. Speiser. (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol. XVI. New Haven, 1936).3. NUZI: report on the excavations at Yorgan Tepa near Kirkuk, Iraq. By R. F. S. Starr. Volume 11. Plates and plans. Cambridge, Mass., 1937.4. NOTES ON HURRIANH PHONOLOGY. By E. A. Speiser. (Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 58, no. I, pp. 173-201).
Title: The City Nuzu
NUZI AND THE HURRIAN:S the excavations at Nuzi (Kirkuk, Iraq) and their contribution to our knowledge of the history of the Hurrians.
By Robert H.
(From the Smithsonian Report for 1935, pp.
ransliterated by Robert H.
With translation and commentary by E.
(Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol.
New Haven, 1936).
NUZI: report on the excavations at Yorgan Tepa near Kirkuk, Iraq.
By R.
Volume 11.
Plates and plans.
Cambridge, Mass.
, 1937.
By E.
(Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol.
58, no.
I, pp.
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