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Gleanings from Mysia

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The following notes were collected on a journey from Kutaya to Alexandria Troas in September 1899. My main objects were roads and sites, but I copied any inscriptions that came in my way, and believe that those here given have not yet been published.1. Aezanitis.—At Gyunuk Euren, three hours east of Chavdyr Hissar on the road to Kutaya, I noticed two tombstones of the door type which is characteristic of the country east of the Rhyndacus, and a pillar very like a milestone. One of the tombstones, which has a double gable, bears a half effaced inscription:Left Arch.Right Arch.
Title: Gleanings from Mysia
The following notes were collected on a journey from Kutaya to Alexandria Troas in September 1899.
My main objects were roads and sites, but I copied any inscriptions that came in my way, and believe that those here given have not yet been published.
—At Gyunuk Euren, three hours east of Chavdyr Hissar on the road to Kutaya, I noticed two tombstones of the door type which is characteristic of the country east of the Rhyndacus, and a pillar very like a milestone.
One of the tombstones, which has a double gable, bears a half effaced inscription:Left Arch.
Right Arch.

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