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The Drama Therapy Decision Tree: Connecting Drama Therapy Interventions to Treatment, Paige Dickinson and Sally Bailey (2021)

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Review of: The Drama Therapy Decision Tree: Connecting Drama Therapy Interventions to Treatment, Paige Dickinson and Sally Bailey (2021)Bristol: Intellect Ltd, 272 pp.,ISBN 978-1-78938-247-1, h/bk, $106.50ISBN 978-1-78938-249-5, e/bk, $80.00
Title: The Drama Therapy Decision Tree: Connecting Drama Therapy Interventions to Treatment, Paige Dickinson and Sally Bailey (2021)
Review of: The Drama Therapy Decision Tree: Connecting Drama Therapy Interventions to Treatment, Paige Dickinson and Sally Bailey (2021)Bristol: Intellect Ltd, 272 pp.
,ISBN 978-1-78938-247-1, h/bk, $106.
50ISBN 978-1-78938-249-5, e/bk, $80.

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