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Are “they” out to get me? A social identity model of paranoia

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This research tests a social identity model of paranoia, building on work showing that identification with social groups is associated with less paranoid thinking. Studies 1 ( N = 800) and 2 ( N = 779) supported this model, showing that national group identification is associated with lower paranoia. Study 3 ( N = 784) added to the literature by probing the mechanisms underlying these relationships, and found that it is through enhanced control and trust that identification is associated with better mental health. Studies 4 ( N = 390) and 5 ( N = 904) manipulated identification to provide evidence of causality. A minimeta analysis revealed a robust association between national identification and paranoia across the studies, although no association emerged between political identification and paranoia. The results point to the role that lack of social connections can play in underpinning paranoid thinking, and suggest that, as with other mental health issues, the problems caused by paranoia may have a social cure.
Title: Are “they” out to get me? A social identity model of paranoia
This research tests a social identity model of paranoia, building on work showing that identification with social groups is associated with less paranoid thinking.
Studies 1 ( N = 800) and 2 ( N = 779) supported this model, showing that national group identification is associated with lower paranoia.
Study 3 ( N = 784) added to the literature by probing the mechanisms underlying these relationships, and found that it is through enhanced control and trust that identification is associated with better mental health.
Studies 4 ( N = 390) and 5 ( N = 904) manipulated identification to provide evidence of causality.
A minimeta analysis revealed a robust association between national identification and paranoia across the studies, although no association emerged between political identification and paranoia.
The results point to the role that lack of social connections can play in underpinning paranoid thinking, and suggest that, as with other mental health issues, the problems caused by paranoia may have a social cure.

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