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The Last Days of Mankind, by Karl Kraus, translated from the German by Fred Bridgham and Edward Timms. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015.
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The triumphal rhetoric of war repeatedly seduces the public. As it was in Karl Kraus's Austria, so it is today in the U.S. with the current crop of Republican presidential candidates recklessly advocating military intervention, e.g. Ted “Carpet Bomb” Cruz. I'm afraid Senator Cruz and other warmongers will not take the opportunity to enjoy the very fine work that Bridgham and Timms have done to offer the English-speaking world a complete translation of Karl Kraus's epic, World War I satire The Last Days of Mankind (Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit). Nonetheless, the translators, and Kraus himself, should be commended for attempting to teach mankind the as yet unlearned lesson of the folly of war.
Title: The Last Days of Mankind, by Karl Kraus, translated from the German by Fred Bridgham and Edward Timms. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2015.
The triumphal rhetoric of war repeatedly seduces the public.
As it was in Karl Kraus's Austria, so it is today in the U.
with the current crop of Republican presidential candidates recklessly advocating military intervention, e.
Ted “Carpet Bomb” Cruz.
I'm afraid Senator Cruz and other warmongers will not take the opportunity to enjoy the very fine work that Bridgham and Timms have done to offer the English-speaking world a complete translation of Karl Kraus's epic, World War I satire The Last Days of Mankind (Die Letzten Tage der Menschheit).
Nonetheless, the translators, and Kraus himself, should be commended for attempting to teach mankind the as yet unlearned lesson of the folly of war.
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