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Miniature “Thin Stone Heads” and Other Pre-Columbian Miniature Stone Objects from Mesoamerica
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AbstractA unique, miniature, anthropomorphic stone hacha from the Gulf Coast of Mexico is described and illustrated. The author also discusses other miniature stone objects from Mesoamerica, such as mushroom stones, yokes, “toad altars,” “doughnut-stones,” metates, spherical stone balls, and star-shaped maceheads, and suggests that some of these Mesoamerican miniature stone objects may have been used in connection with the various forms of the pre-Columbian ball game.
Title: Miniature “Thin Stone Heads” and Other Pre-Columbian Miniature Stone Objects from Mesoamerica
AbstractA unique, miniature, anthropomorphic stone hacha from the Gulf Coast of Mexico is described and illustrated.
The author also discusses other miniature stone objects from Mesoamerica, such as mushroom stones, yokes, “toad altars,” “doughnut-stones,” metates, spherical stone balls, and star-shaped maceheads, and suggests that some of these Mesoamerican miniature stone objects may have been used in connection with the various forms of the pre-Columbian ball game.
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