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Battle of Arab Horsemen

View through Harvard Museums
Department of Paintings Sculpture & Decorative Arts Robert Journet Paris (by 1932). [Jacques Seligmann & Co. New York NY (by 1934-1935) sold October 23 1935]; to Grenville L. Winthrop (1935-1942) gift; to Fogg Art Museum 1942. Note: 1. The painting is listed as number 5869 in the following Jacques Seligmann & Co. stock catalogues (Jacques Seligmann & Co. archives Archives of American Art online): 1934-1935 1935-1936. The drawing may have been at Seligmann’s before 1934; it was sold in 1935 which may explain why its entry is crossed out in the 1935-1936 stock catalogue. 2. The painting briefly belonged to Henry McIlhenny of Cambridge MA who purchased it from Jacques Seligmann & Co. in April 1934. Correspondence from April 1934 to January 1935 mainly between Robert M. Levy of Jacques Seligmann & Co. and Henry McIlhenny (Seligmann archives Archives of American Art) indicates that McIlhenny changed his mind about the painting and no longer wanted it for his collection. After much discussion McIlhenny agreed to pay for the painting on January 14 1935 with the understanding that he would not take possession of it but would rather exchange it for another art object more agreeable to him once one became available. Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum Gift of Grenville L. Winthrop Class of 1886
Title: Battle of Arab Horsemen
Description not available.

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