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Battle of Amazons
View through The Met
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Cylindrical container depicting the Battle of Greeks and Amazons in a Classical style
Cylindrical container depicting the Battle of Greeks and Amazons in a Classical style
Container carved with a disc shaped base vigorously represented frieze of Greeks fighting Amazons. Some of the Amazons are mounted....
painting (art)
painting (art)
The painting illustrates an interesting Ethiopian painting convention of depicting the 'good' full-faced and the 'bad' in profile only. In this painting the Ethiopians are always s...
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Opera-Scene Print: Battle against Chi Fushou at Fengtaiguan
Opera-Scene Print: Battle against Chi Fushou at Fengtaiguan; with printed inscription reading "Fengtaiguan Da Zhan Chi Fushou" ("Battle against Chi Fushou at Fengtaiguan") and "Yon...
Pen Box with Battle and Hunting Scenes
Pen Box with Battle and Hunting Scenes
On its upper surface, this late example of a Qajar lacquer pen case, signed by Asad-Allah Dizfuli and dated 1337 H. (1918-1919), displays a scene of epic battle. Densely packed cav...
Film poster of\ "Lana - Queen of the Amazons\" (1964)
Film poster of\ "Lana - Queen of the Amazons\" (1964)
Film poster of\ "Lana - Queen of the Amazons\" (1964)...
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