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Sarcophagus with Christ monogram between two lambs
View through Europeana Collections
KU Leuven. Glass slides art history. Université de Louvain, between 1839 and 1939. Photographer unknown. Added information on slide. Current / Style: Byzantine art. Creation/Building: 7th century. Technique/Material: Marble. Current location: Italia, Ravenna, Basilica di Sant' Apollinare Nuovo. EuroPhot. Art History. 7th century. Sculpture. Relief. EuroPhot. Art history. 7th century. Sculptures. Relief. EuroPhot. Art History. 7th century. Artifact. Furniture. EuroPhot. Art history. 7th century. Artifact. Furniture.
Catholic University of Leuven
Title: Sarcophagus with Christ monogram between two lambs
KU Leuven.
Glass slides art history.
Université de Louvain, between 1839 and 1939.
Photographer unknown.
Added information on slide.
Current / Style: Byzantine art.
Creation/Building: 7th century.
Technique/Material: Marble.
Current location: Italia, Ravenna, Basilica di Sant' Apollinare Nuovo.
Art History.
7th century.
Art history.
7th century.
Art History.
7th century.
Art history.
7th century.
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