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The cartographic dimensions of humanitarianism: Mapping refugee spaces in post-earthquake Haiti
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This article examines the post-earthquake politics of space via the literal and cultural mapping of internally displaced persons in Haiti to consider the cartographic dimensions of humanitarian biopower. I begin by analyzing OpenStreetMap Haiti, an online collaborative cartographic project, which mapped Haiti’s roads and refugee camps after the earthquake by using high-resolution satellite imagery, global positioning system technologies, and aerial photographs—much of which is derived from US military data—in order to facilitate “humanitarian” efforts on the ground. I contend that the visual text produced by OpenStreetMap Haiti, which functions as a map to locate and situate refugees, represents a particular form of humanitarian biopower. In the second half of this article, I analyze a 2012 work of comics journalism titled Tents beyond Tents, which offers a critique of humanitarian “aid” from the perspective of Haitians who occupy the internally displaced persons camps created after the earthquake. I consider how the comic functions as a cartographic project, or cartoon mapping, through depictions of the spaces of the refugee camps in and around Port-au-Prince.
Title: The cartographic dimensions of humanitarianism: Mapping refugee spaces in post-earthquake Haiti
This article examines the post-earthquake politics of space via the literal and cultural mapping of internally displaced persons in Haiti to consider the cartographic dimensions of humanitarian biopower.
I begin by analyzing OpenStreetMap Haiti, an online collaborative cartographic project, which mapped Haiti’s roads and refugee camps after the earthquake by using high-resolution satellite imagery, global positioning system technologies, and aerial photographs—much of which is derived from US military data—in order to facilitate “humanitarian” efforts on the ground.
I contend that the visual text produced by OpenStreetMap Haiti, which functions as a map to locate and situate refugees, represents a particular form of humanitarian biopower.
In the second half of this article, I analyze a 2012 work of comics journalism titled Tents beyond Tents, which offers a critique of humanitarian “aid” from the perspective of Haitians who occupy the internally displaced persons camps created after the earthquake.
I consider how the comic functions as a cartographic project, or cartoon mapping, through depictions of the spaces of the refugee camps in and around Port-au-Prince.
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