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The Labor Market Experience of Female Migrants: The Case of Temporary Mexican Migration to the U.S.
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In spite of the public debate surrounding Mexican migration to the United States, little is known about the labor market activities of the female component of this flow. This article, using a Mexican national survey, provides a characterization of the labor market activities of temporary female migrants. The roles of schooling, work experience, origin region in Mexico, and legal status are discussed in comparing female and male migrants’ working experiences.
Title: The Labor Market Experience of Female Migrants: The Case of Temporary Mexican Migration to the U.S.
In spite of the public debate surrounding Mexican migration to the United States, little is known about the labor market activities of the female component of this flow.
This article, using a Mexican national survey, provides a characterization of the labor market activities of temporary female migrants.
The roles of schooling, work experience, origin region in Mexico, and legal status are discussed in comparing female and male migrants’ working experiences.
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