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23 Receptive Ecumenism, Ecclesial Learning, and the ‘Tribe’
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This chapter addresses the following questions: How can the underlying processes of communal identity formation be accommodated? How will it be possible to get beyond the simple tribalism of establishing identity over, against, and, even hostile to, the foreign ‘other’? Can we envisage a shift in favour of an ‘ecumenical tribe’? These questions are explored in four movements: Catholic identity, between the universal and the particular; receptive ecumenical learning: the overcoming of tribal prejudice; irreducible difference: the limits of receptive ecumenical learning; and discerning the conditions for receptive ecumenical learning.
Oxford University PressOxford
Title: 23 Receptive Ecumenism, Ecclesial Learning, and the ‘Tribe’
This chapter addresses the following questions: How can the underlying processes of communal identity formation be accommodated? How will it be possible to get beyond the simple tribalism of establishing identity over, against, and, even hostile to, the foreign ‘other’? Can we envisage a shift in favour of an ‘ecumenical tribe’? These questions are explored in four movements: Catholic identity, between the universal and the particular; receptive ecumenical learning: the overcoming of tribal prejudice; irreducible difference: the limits of receptive ecumenical learning; and discerning the conditions for receptive ecumenical learning.
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