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« Un pays occupé est une terre sans vie » Réflexions sur les subjectivités occupées et les espaces de résistance dans Kannjawou, roman de l'écrivain haïtien Lyonel Trouillot

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The article proposes a reflection on how the intertwined themes of power, subjectivity and agency are articulated in Lyonel Trouillot’s 2016 novel Kannjawou. In its narrative space, the hermeneutics of collective reality is produced by an individual memory engaged in questioning the relations of power that affect subjectivity and action of both the occupied Haitians and the foreigners occupiers. A close reading of the novel seeks to unpack its ethnographic thickness, its capacity to built layers of understanding around the stakes of a disadvantaged microcosm in contemporary Port-au-Prince.
Edizioni Ca Foscari
Title: « Un pays occupé est une terre sans vie » Réflexions sur les subjectivités occupées et les espaces de résistance dans Kannjawou, roman de l'écrivain haïtien Lyonel Trouillot
The article proposes a reflection on how the intertwined themes of power, subjectivity and agency are articulated in Lyonel Trouillot’s 2016 novel Kannjawou.
In its narrative space, the hermeneutics of collective reality is produced by an individual memory engaged in questioning the relations of power that affect subjectivity and action of both the occupied Haitians and the foreigners occupiers.
A close reading of the novel seeks to unpack its ethnographic thickness, its capacity to built layers of understanding around the stakes of a disadvantaged microcosm in contemporary Port-au-Prince.

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