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Sindrom Mona Lisa
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<p>Pendahuluan: Sindrom Mona Lisa (SM) merupakan paralisis nervus fasialis idiopatik pada wanita hamil atau wanita post partum. SM sering terkait dengan hipertensi gestasional, superimposed preeklamsia, preeklamsia, dan sindrom HELLP. Faktor risiko independen SM adalah hipertensi kronik dan obesitas. Beberapa hipotesis patofisiologi SM meliputi: kondisi immunocompromised, reaktivasi virus herpes, edema interstisial yang memicu edema perineural dan kompresi nervus fasialis di kanal fasialis os temporal, dan hiperkoagulasi yang memicu trombosis pembuluh darah yang mensuplai nervus fasialis, Tanda dan gejala SM sama dengan Bell’s palsy (BP). Tatalaksana meliputi penggunaan tetes air mata artifisial atau penutup mata, kortikosteroid, dan/atau antiviral. Prognosis SM baik, khususnya pada kasus inkomplit.</p><p>Background: Mona Lisa Syndrome (MS) is an idiopathic facial nerve paralysis in pregnancy and post partum. MS is correlated to gestational hypertension, superimposed preeclamsia, preeclamsia, and HELLP syndrome.Independent risk factors are chronic hypertension and obesity. Several hypothesis on MS pathophysiology, including: immunocompromised status that lead to herpes virus reactivation, interstitial edema that lead to perineural edema and compressing facial nerve at the facial canal, and hypercoagulability status that lead to thrombosis in arteries supplying facial nerve. Signs and symptoms of MS are similar to Bell’s palsy. Prognosis of MS is good, especially in incomplete paralysis. MS treatment including artificial tears or eye patch, corticosteroid, and/or antiviral.</p><p> </p>
Title: Sindrom Mona Lisa
<p>Pendahuluan: Sindrom Mona Lisa (SM) merupakan paralisis nervus fasialis idiopatik pada wanita hamil atau wanita post partum.
SM sering terkait dengan hipertensi gestasional, superimposed preeklamsia, preeklamsia, dan sindrom HELLP.
Faktor risiko independen SM adalah hipertensi kronik dan obesitas.
Beberapa hipotesis patofisiologi SM meliputi: kondisi immunocompromised, reaktivasi virus herpes, edema interstisial yang memicu edema perineural dan kompresi nervus fasialis di kanal fasialis os temporal, dan hiperkoagulasi yang memicu trombosis pembuluh darah yang mensuplai nervus fasialis, Tanda dan gejala SM sama dengan Bell’s palsy (BP).
Tatalaksana meliputi penggunaan tetes air mata artifisial atau penutup mata, kortikosteroid, dan/atau antiviral.
Prognosis SM baik, khususnya pada kasus inkomplit.
</p><p>Background: Mona Lisa Syndrome (MS) is an idiopathic facial nerve paralysis in pregnancy and post partum.
MS is correlated to gestational hypertension, superimposed preeclamsia, preeclamsia, and HELLP syndrome.
Independent risk factors are chronic hypertension and obesity.
Several hypothesis on MS pathophysiology, including: immunocompromised status that lead to herpes virus reactivation, interstitial edema that lead to perineural edema and compressing facial nerve at the facial canal, and hypercoagulability status that lead to thrombosis in arteries supplying facial nerve.
Signs and symptoms of MS are similar to Bell’s palsy.
Prognosis of MS is good, especially in incomplete paralysis.
MS treatment including artificial tears or eye patch, corticosteroid, and/or antiviral.
</p><p> </p>.
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