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John Theodore Cash, 1854 - 1936
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John Theodore Cash, who died a this home in Hereford on 30 November, 1936, in his 82nd year, was elected to the Fellow ship of the Royal Society in 1887. Forthirty -two years he was Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the University of Aberdeen and was given the title of Emeritus Professor on his retiral from the Chair in 1919. Born in Manchester on 16 December, 1854, he was sent at nine years of age to the Quaker Schools of Bootham , York, and later to Kendal. After the death of his father in 1866, his mother took council regarding the education of her two sons and was advised to go to Edinburgh . She removed tere in 1868 and Alfred Midgley, the elder son, who also died in 1936 (
85 years), commenced medical studies at the University.
Title: John Theodore Cash, 1854 - 1936
John Theodore Cash, who died a this home in Hereford on 30 November, 1936, in his 82nd year, was elected to the Fellow ship of the Royal Society in 1887.
Forthirty -two years he was Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the University of Aberdeen and was given the title of Emeritus Professor on his retiral from the Chair in 1919.
Born in Manchester on 16 December, 1854, he was sent at nine years of age to the Quaker Schools of Bootham , York, and later to Kendal.
After the death of his father in 1866, his mother took council regarding the education of her two sons and was advised to go to Edinburgh .
She removed tere in 1868 and Alfred Midgley, the elder son, who also died in 1936 (
85 years), commenced medical studies at the University.
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