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New "Look," Emerging Vision: A Time For Introductions
New "Look," Emerging Vision: A Time For Introductions
From the Executive Editor: I am constantly at least a bit surprised by the path my life takes. Little did I know that slightly over twenty-six years after Ann Saddlemyer and I head...
This issue of Popular Music is produced in honour of Paul Oliver, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to popular music scholarship.Paul was a member of the original Edit...
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This article offers, from the perspective of material bibliography, a comparative analysis of Spanish translations from Petrarca's Canzoniere by Usque Hebre...
In Memory of Deborah Martinsen
In Memory of Deborah Martinsen
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Estado de malestar (malestar_exhuberancia_anomalía): el ensayo visual como catalizador de experiencias compartidas
Estado de malestar (malestar_exhuberancia_anomalía): el ensayo visual como catalizador de experiencias compartidas
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Abstract"To tread a bow" (dārak qešet) is often thought to mean bending or drawing it, but some believe that it denotes stringing a bow. The former interpretation is generally supp...
Permanently in Transit. Middle Eastern Migrants and Refugees in Serbia
Permanently in Transit. Middle Eastern Migrants and Refugees in Serbia
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Entrevista a Francesco Careri
Entrevista a Francesco Careri
Francesco Careri es profesor de Urbanismo en el Dipartimento di Architettura de la Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Su libro Walkscapes, editado con Gustavo Gili en 2002, supuso un...