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Approach to the Geriatric Patient
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As of 2012, over one in eight Americans is over the age of 65, and this number is rising, particularly in the 85+ age group. This segment of the population has a rate of hospitalization three times higher than that for persons of all ages. General internists and family medicine physicians provide a large portion of care for this age group and should therefore be comfortable using a comprehensive approach to geriatric assessment. This review describes general considerations regarding geriatric care, including the process of taking a functional history and clinical implications of geriatric care. The geriatric assessment process is discussed in terms of physical, cognitive, social, and medical domains. The benefits of geriatric assessment in primary care, specialty care, and hospitalized patients are described. Tables outline activities of daily living, sensory changes with aging, major causes of visual impairment in the geriatric population, major neurocognitive disorder diagnostic criteria, medications to avoid or use with caution based on Beers criteria and Screening Tool of Older individuals’ Potentially inappropriate Prescriptions criteria, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force–recommended services relevant to older adults, and vaccinations in older adults. Figures illustrate the key vulnerabilities of older adults; outcomes linked to functional dependence; common disorders associated with cognitive concerns; domains of cognition and examples of impairment in theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition; the social and medical domains of geriatric assessment; barriers to medication adherence in older patients; and resources for medication appropriateness in older adults.
This review contains 8 highly rendered figures, 8 tables, 110 references, and 5 MCQs.
Title: Approach to the Geriatric Patient
As of 2012, over one in eight Americans is over the age of 65, and this number is rising, particularly in the 85+ age group.
This segment of the population has a rate of hospitalization three times higher than that for persons of all ages.
General internists and family medicine physicians provide a large portion of care for this age group and should therefore be comfortable using a comprehensive approach to geriatric assessment.
This review describes general considerations regarding geriatric care, including the process of taking a functional history and clinical implications of geriatric care.
The geriatric assessment process is discussed in terms of physical, cognitive, social, and medical domains.
The benefits of geriatric assessment in primary care, specialty care, and hospitalized patients are described.
Tables outline activities of daily living, sensory changes with aging, major causes of visual impairment in the geriatric population, major neurocognitive disorder diagnostic criteria, medications to avoid or use with caution based on Beers criteria and Screening Tool of Older individuals’ Potentially inappropriate Prescriptions criteria, U.
Preventive Services Task Force–recommended services relevant to older adults, and vaccinations in older adults.
Figures illustrate the key vulnerabilities of older adults; outcomes linked to functional dependence; common disorders associated with cognitive concerns; domains of cognition and examples of impairment in theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition; the social and medical domains of geriatric assessment; barriers to medication adherence in older patients; and resources for medication appropriateness in older adults.
This review contains 8 highly rendered figures, 8 tables, 110 references, and 5 MCQs.
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