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Secret Leviathan

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Leviathan, the all-powerful sea monster of the Old Testament, was Thomas Hobbes’s metaphor for the state: “that Mortall God to which wee owe . . . our peace and defence.” We make our lives free and open to the development of civilization. Leviathan, call this state Secret Leviathan. Secrecy was in the genes of the Soviet state from the first days of its creation. The Soviet state took secrecy to an extreme. When secrecy failed, the state collapsed. This book is about Soviet secrecy and its consequences. Regime of secrecy: the totality of rules determined by the organs of power and administration that limit the access of persons to secret documents and activities, codify the procedure for use of secret documents, correspondingly regulate the conduct of people involved with secrets, and provide for other measures. What was the value of secrecy? Government secrecy is employed to the extent that it helps governments and parties in power to achieve their goals.
Stanford University Press
Title: Secret Leviathan
Leviathan, the all-powerful sea monster of the Old Testament, was Thomas Hobbes’s metaphor for the state: “that Mortall God to which wee owe .
our peace and defence.
” We make our lives free and open to the development of civilization.
Leviathan, call this state Secret Leviathan.
Secrecy was in the genes of the Soviet state from the first days of its creation.
The Soviet state took secrecy to an extreme.
When secrecy failed, the state collapsed.
This book is about Soviet secrecy and its consequences.
Regime of secrecy: the totality of rules determined by the organs of power and administration that limit the access of persons to secret documents and activities, codify the procedure for use of secret documents, correspondingly regulate the conduct of people involved with secrets, and provide for other measures.
What was the value of secrecy? Government secrecy is employed to the extent that it helps governments and parties in power to achieve their goals.

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