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Excavations at Kato Phana in Chios
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῾῾ φάναι, λιμὴν βαθύς , καὶ νεως ᾿ Απόλλωνος καὶ ἄλσος φοινίκων.᾿᾿ Though the anchorage at Kato Phana is not as good as Strabo implies, there is no doubt that here was the site of his temple, a site which has preserved, with only a slight distortion, its ancient name. From other sources we learn that the Chiots were defeated by the Athenians in a battle there during the summer of 512 b.c. and that the wine grown on the spot was much appreciated. Numerous arrow-heads may or may not be relics of the battle, and a struggling vineyard among sandhills forms a slender link with the nobler vineyards of the past.
Title: Excavations at Kato Phana in Chios
῾῾ φάναι, λιμὴν βαθύς , καὶ νεως ᾿ Απόλλωνος καὶ ἄλσος φοινίκων.
᾿᾿ Though the anchorage at Kato Phana is not as good as Strabo implies, there is no doubt that here was the site of his temple, a site which has preserved, with only a slight distortion, its ancient name.
From other sources we learn that the Chiots were defeated by the Athenians in a battle there during the summer of 512 b.
and that the wine grown on the spot was much appreciated.
Numerous arrow-heads may or may not be relics of the battle, and a struggling vineyard among sandhills forms a slender link with the nobler vineyards of the past.
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