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Body Sherd of Cup or Bowl with Kamares Decoration.
View through Harvard Museums
Body sherd of cup or bowl. Intentional mottled surface, with two bands of red-orange paint around body, and two more white lines below. Interior monochrome brown-black with red dots (unintentional). Classical Polychrome Kamares, MM IIA-B.
Department of Ancient and Byzantine Art & Numismatics
Transferred from the Department of the Classics Harvard University. From the site of Kato Zakro Crete.
Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum Transfer from the Department of the Classics Harvard University Loan from Dr. George H. Chase
Title: Body Sherd of Cup or Bowl with Kamares Decoration.
Body sherd of cup or bowl.
Intentional mottled surface, with two bands of red-orange paint around body, and two more white lines below.
Interior monochrome brown-black with red dots (unintentional).
Classical Polychrome Kamares, MM IIA-B.
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