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Proxenies, Statues, Crowns
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This chapter examines the extensive Delian epigraphic record (proxeny and other honorific decrees, references to crowns and other honours as these appear in the Delian accounts), in order to reconstruct the Delian network of honours. The focus is proxeny decrees, because of their significantly large number. The chapter discusses the issues of audience and purpose of publication of decrees. Using the ethnic names of the honorands as the basis of the study, it shows that the network of honours was geographically immense, with the southern Aegean as the primary region of local interaction, and with specific clustering beyond this primary region. This character of the network may be related to Delos’ insularity, on one hand, and the presence of a large regional sanctuary, on the other.
Title: Proxenies, Statues, Crowns
This chapter examines the extensive Delian epigraphic record (proxeny and other honorific decrees, references to crowns and other honours as these appear in the Delian accounts), in order to reconstruct the Delian network of honours.
The focus is proxeny decrees, because of their significantly large number.
The chapter discusses the issues of audience and purpose of publication of decrees.
Using the ethnic names of the honorands as the basis of the study, it shows that the network of honours was geographically immense, with the southern Aegean as the primary region of local interaction, and with specific clustering beyond this primary region.
This character of the network may be related to Delos’ insularity, on one hand, and the presence of a large regional sanctuary, on the other.
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